Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Know your Asthma Monitoring Device- Peak Flow Meter

Peak Flow Meter 
Peak Flow Meter

A Peak Flow Meter is a simple, affordable, hand held device which helps diagnose breathing problems and asthma in children and adults. 

It is a very simple and extremely handy device. Just as we have a BP instrument to check blood pressure, thermometer for fever and the Glucometer for diabetics, the Peak Flow Meter is like a glucometer/thermometer/BP machine  for asthma. For measuring we have to blow into the mouthpiece of the device, and the reading will be taken to check the lung power.
Scale before effort

Reading after the effort

     Most doctors have the device in their clinic but it is also available at most leading chemists for home use to keep asthma in check.
Mouthpiece for blowing air

   If you have asthma and are checking your lung power with the Peak Flow Meter , and you notice a drop in the reading, it means that your asthma is not well controlled and you are likely to get an attack in the near future or within days.
     This is like an early warning signal to increase the dosage or the number of times you should take your medication. When the Peak Flow Meter reading is normal, it suggests that your asthma is under control.

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